Cladding Preserver
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Cladding Preserver
Product description:
A high-performance preserver for use on all untreated cladding timbers (essential when using class 4 timber such as Larch). The oil-based formula deeply penetrates the wood and protects against wood discolouring fungi, wood decay fungi (wet rot) and from insect attack. Provides a clear finish and contains resins and oils for water repellency and protection against weathering. All sides and edges of the cladding should be treated before fixing with at least 2 coats to ensure adequate absorption into the fibres of the wood.
- Deep penetrating oil/spirit based formula.
- Protection against rot, mould and blue stain.
- Excellent water repellency.
- Formulation incorporating the lates EU approved actives.
- Drying time: 12 hrs
- Application: Brush
- Coverage: 180ml/m2
- Active ingredients: Tebuconazole, IPBC and Permethrin
Size: 5 Litre
Related products:
Armourflex Ultimate UV Protection Oil
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